Government Extends 35% Increase in Salary to Corporation Employees 2023

In a pivotal budgetary announcement, Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, the Minister for Finance and Revenue, unveiled a progressive plan to alleviate the financial challenges faced by Federal Government employees in the fiscal year 2023-24. Addressing the pressing issue of increased inflation, Minister Dar proposed a substantial 30-35 percent ad-hoc increase in salaries, tailored to enhance the purchasing power of employees across different grade levels. The proposed salary increments encompass a 35 percent ad-hoc relief for employees in Grade 1 to 16, while those in Grade 17 to 22 would see a 30 percent increase.  The minister’s proposals also encompass a significant enhancement of pensions, with a proposed rise from Rs 8,500 to Rs 10,000 for beneficiaries of the Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI).

Furthermore, Minister Dar outlined plans to uplift the minimum pension to Rs 12,000 and increase the minimum monthly wage from Rs 25,000 to Rs 32,000 specifically within the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT). Notably, the government aims to introduce a support scheme to alleviate loans up to Rs 1 million owed to the Housing Building Finance Corporation (HBFC) by widows of government employees. The government’s proactive measures extend to financial empowerment, with the proposed increase of deposit limits for CDNS Shuhada Account and Behbood Saving Certificates from Rs 5 million to Rs 7.5 million. Minister Dar’s comprehensive proposals underline the government’s commitment to employee welfare, financial inclusion, and a resilient economy.


Government Extends 35% Increase in Salary to Corporation Employees 2023

PM Defends Massive Hike in Petroleum Prices:

On August 2, 2023, Prime Minister took to the airwaves to justify the recent substantial surge in petroleum prices. He ascribed this move to the global upswing in crude oil rates, underlining that it was a pivotal step aimed at upholding the nation’s economic steadiness. Sharif underscored that the resulting revenue infusion would be channeled into crucial domains like healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Addressing public apprehensions, the Prime Minister reassured citizens that the government was committed to counteracting the price escalation’s impact on vulnerable strata of society. This commitment would be manifested through meticulously tailored subsidies and relief initiatives. In this way, the Prime Minister sought to navigate a fine balance between economic exigencies and safeguarding the welfare of the populace.

Pakistan Shockingly Increases Petroleum Prices from August 1, 2023:

In an unforeseen turn of events on August 1, 2023, the Pakistani authorities made a substantial and surprising declaration of amplified petroleum prices, eliciting reverberations across the nation. Petrol prices underwent a 25% escalation, while diesel experienced a marked 30% surge, accompanied by varying percentage hikes in other petroleum products.

This abrupt price surge caught numerous consumers off guard, evoking a widespread outcry as citizens expressed their dismay over the augmented financial strain on their daily expenditures. The prevailing sentiment attributed this maneuver largely to the mounting global oil price trends, which had exerted significant pressure on Pakistan’s energy import obligations.

FPCCI Slams Outgoing Government for Shocking Petroleum Price Surge:

The outgoing government faced robust censure from The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) for the sudden and significant upswing in petroleum prices. The FPCCI contended that this drastic elevation could inflict adverse repercussions on diverse sectors like transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture within the economy.

The organization admonished the government, asserting that their handling of economic hurdles had been inadequate, thereby urging a reconsideration of their course of action. Transparency and cooperation were underscored by the FPCCI as vital requisites, calling for improved communication and collaboration with stakeholders before enacting consequential policy shifts that cast an impact on both the business sphere and the wider public.

PSO Joins Forces with PPL and OGDCL for Revolutionary Greenfield Refinery Project:

Pakistan State Oil (PSO), Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), and Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) have unveiled a pioneering joint venture – the Greenfield Refinery Project – set to revolutionize the nation’s energy landscape. This strategic alliance is geared towards augmenting Pakistan’s refining capabilities and diminishing its dependence on imported petroleum products. Distinguished by its adoption of cutting-edge environmentally conscious technologies, the upcoming refinery will prioritize the production of cleaner fuels and petrochemicals.

Anticipated outcomes include the generation of employment opportunities, an invigorated local economy, and a pivotal stride towards Pakistan’s energy autonomy. This ambitious initiative harmonizes with global initiatives promoting sustainable energy solutions, underscoring its significance in fostering an ecologically resilient future.


The abrupt and significant surge in petroleum prices in Pakistan has ignited extensive discourse and raised apprehensions across various segments of society. While Prime Minister Sharif justified the action, attributing it to global oil price patterns and the imperative of economic stability, dissent emerged from entities like the FPCCI. They contended that this escalation might adversely affect diverse sectors. Against this backdrop, the partnership among PSO, PPL, and OGDCL for the Greenfield Refinery Project emerges as a beacon of promise. This collaborative endeavor holds the potential to pave the way for the country’s energy autonomy and foster sustainable economic expansion, offering a ray of hope amidst the ongoing discussions and concerns.

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