Prime Minister Laptop Scheme Online Registration 2023

The Government of Pakistan initiated the Prime Minister’s Youth Program in 2013, which encompasses a range of schemes designed to empower the youth of the country. Among these initiatives, a prominent one is the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme. This program is currently in its fourth and fifth phases and has the goal of strengthening research skills, fostering quality education, and increasing technological accessibility for talented students nationwide. By distributing laptops to students at the onset of their academic endeavors, the scheme strives to bring about a transformative shift in the educational and research landscape of the nation.

Objectives and Benefits

  • The government acknowledges the importance of investing in the youth as a long-term strategy for national development.
  • The government initiates the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme as part of its efforts to empower the youth.
  • The main aim of the scheme is to empower students by providing them with laptops to support their academic and research activities.
  • Along with laptops, the scheme offers a comprehensive ecosystem to enhance the students’ educational experience. This includes access to licensed software, training opportunities, certification vouchers, 3G EVO devices, and more.
  • Students enrolled in the scheme gain access to the national digital library and online courses from renowned universities. This access to digital resources enriches their learning experience and enables them to explore a wide range of educational materials.
  • By providing laptops and a comprehensive ecosystem, the scheme aims to add value to students’ education. It equips them with the necessary tools and resources to excel academically and engage in research activities.
  • The scheme also fosters collaboration and synergy with relevant industries. By aligning Pakistani higher education institutions with international standards, it helps create opportunities for students to engage with industry professionals and stay updated with the latest developments in their respective fields.

By following these steps, the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme seeks to empower students, enhance their educational experience, and align Pakistani higher education with global standards.

Application Process and Distribution

  • The responsibility of procuring and distributing laptops under the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme lies with the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. To participate in the scheme, interested students are required to apply online through the Students’ Service Portal.
  • The application process entails registering or updating the student’s profile on the portal. If students encounter any problems during the application process or have difficulties receiving SMS notifications, they can reach out to [email protected] to register their complaints and seek assistance.
  • Eligible students start the process by submitting their applications online.
  • The relevant focal person at the student’s university verifies the information provided in the application. This includes details such as the student’s name, CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number, department, degree level, and academic performance.
  • The university’s focal person holds the sole responsibility for the verification process, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the provided information.
  • If any discrepancies are identified during the verification process, the university focal person takes the necessary steps to rectify them. This may involve updating the student’s data by obtaining the required information either from the university or directly from the student.
  • Once the verification process is completed, each university receives its allocated share of laptops based on predefined criteria. The distribution is based on specific guidelines or criteria established beforehand.

By following these steps, the selection procedure for the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme ensures that eligible students’ applications are verified, any discrepancies are rectified, and the distribution of laptops to universities is carried out based on predefined criteria.

Marit List and Distribution Criteria

  • Here is a rephrased version of the distribution criteria for the award of laptops under the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme:
  • The distribution of laptops is proportionate to the overall student enrollment in higher education institutes, excluding certain categories. This ensures that each province receives a fair share based on its student enrollment.
  • Students enrolled in PhD, MPhil, MS, or equivalent programs are eligible for full coverage under the scheme. They are assured of receiving a laptop as part of the distribution process.
  • Quotas are allocated for certain categories, including distant learners, students of government polytechnic institutes or government colleges of technology, as well as students from the federal capital and federally administered tribal areas. This ensures that these students are given priority in the distribution of laptops.
  • The remaining laptops are allocated to students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s (16-year) programs. This includes students who were on the waiting list from previous distributions and those who were admitted between July 2014 and June 2015.
  • Merit lists are generated to determine the distribution of laptops among eligible students at each level of distribution. These merit lists are publicly available on the HEC website, allowing students and the public to view the rankings. Students can also check their individual status on the HEC website’s designated page at

By adhering to these criteria, the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme ensures a fair and transparent distribution process, taking into account provincial enrollment shares, program-specific coverage, quotas for specific categories, and merit-based rankings among eligible students.

Distribution Criteria for GCT and ICT Colleges

Laptops are awarded on a merit basis to colleges operating under Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) and Government Technical Colleges (GCTs) throughout Pakistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K). The latest academic performance in examinations conducted by the relevant board is taken into consideration for generating the merit list. The distribution among colleges is determined based on the number of applicants rather than overall enrollment.

The Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme has emerged as a transformative initiative, empowering Pakistani students by providing them with access to technology and education. The scheme goes beyond just distributing laptops and also includes licensed software, training opportunities, and other resources. Its aim is to bridge the digital divide and foster a technologically advanced academic environment.

Through this program, the government demonstrates its commitment to investing in the youth and acknowledges their potential as a driving force for the prosperous future of the country.


1. What is the Prime Minister’s Youth Program in Pakistan?

The Prime Minister’s Youth Program is a government initiative launched in 2013 aimed at empowering the youth through various schemes.

2. What is the objective of the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme?

The objective of the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme is to enhance research capabilities, promote quality education, and improve access to information technology for talented students across Pakistan.

3. How can students apply for the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme?

Students can apply for the scheme by submitting their applications online through the Students’ Service Portal.

4. How is the merit list generated for laptop distribution?

The merit list for laptop distribution is generated based on the latest academic performance in examinations conducted by the relevant board. It is used to determine the ranking and eligibility of students.

5. How does the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme contribute to empowering Pakistani students?

The scheme empowers Pakistani students by providing them with access to technology and education, bridging the digital divide, and creating a technologically enabled academic environment. It reflects the government’s commitment to investing in the youth for the country’s prosperous future.

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